Critical to effective community development is passing on learnings. exchangecollaborative.nz was commissioned to ensure that community development experience among migrant women would be documented and available.
With video being a key content medium, we took the opportunity to place this very much front and center on the home page, with a unique home layout that demonstrates absolutely that all websites need not be reduced to a hero image and three callout boxes.
The Exchange Collaborative has partnered a group of six Auckland-based organisations to enable women of migrant and refugee background to create social connections.
Project manager Catalyse joined Auckland Regional Migrant Services, the New Zealand Red Cross, New Zealand Ethnic Women’s Trust, Shanti Niwasand Multi-Educational Support and Services in efforts to reduce social isolation among migrant and refugee background women.
The Exchange undertook research amongst stakeholders, and people who working in the sector, identifying common social isolation themes, including a need for better language skills and information exchange – especially about housing, transport, work and neighbourhood connections. Many women had clear ideas about what would make most difference for them and exchangecollaborative.nz has outlined this in it's research section.
Thanks for video and still photography by Nando Azvdo.